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Gerry Weinberg & Associates, Inc. | Southfield, Michigan

Greg Coyne

Have you received a call recently from a client or an advisor asking, “How are you doing?” or worse—you were the one making the call?

Customer Care is an essential part of every business, but arguably it is one of the most under appreciated. People are dealing with external and internal (fellow employees) clients daily. If you can’t handle them, your position with a company will be short lived.

Don’t spill your candy in the lobby! Most people have not heard this phrase before, so you’re probably thinking “what the heck does that mean?”. Sandler rule #2: Don’t Spill Your Candy In the Lobby, speaks to one of the biggest mistakes salespeople often make. Another term to sum this concept up is one that might be more recognizable to you. Does word vomit ring a bell?

A few weeks ago, I talked about using Sandler rules to sell more. Now I’d like to use them to help lead your teams. There are hundreds of Sandler Rules—not just the ones you see in the books. These are my two favorites from a leadership perspective. As I’ve stated before--these can be used not only in the professional environment, but in your everyday life, outside of the workplace.

Being involved wtih Sandler since 2010, I've learned to use a lot of Sandler Rules. We use these Sandler Rules to help guide us into practicing a systematic approach to all aspects of the selling process. There are hundreds of Sandler Rules—not just the ones you see in the books. There is not a day or class that goes by where one isn’t being used.

With that being said, I'll give you 2 of my favorites. Each has a different aspect for why it’s important and how you can use it to better produce in your business and in your everyday life.

Sandler Rule #2: “Don’t Spill Your Candy in the Lobby”

I love this one because my friends and family laugh about how this one sounds. The problem is, in the sales world, it’s a serious matter. Think of all the knowledge and expertise you have in your industry. Think of that expertise and knowledge as an unopened box of candy, like the ones you might buy at a corner store or at the movies.

I have a little Secret…I LOVE TO JOURNAL! There, I said it. I feel this is an untapped resource for anyone’s success. For a lot who write, it’s taking the future and bringing it into the present. It allows for us to visualize our successes and make them into reality.

For those that may not know, Journaling is, simply put, an avenue for expressing your hopes, fears, dreams; sometimes whatever “head trash” needs to get out of your head, or positive thoughts, beliefs, and aspirations into your head, and put on paper or done digitally.

I had the pleasure of being the speaker at an event about “How to Grow Your Business Through Networking”. Most people know they must do it, however, they either:

- Don’t want to be there
- Don’t know how to network
- Don’t have a game plan
- Don’t have the desired result to why they are there

For you to develop a game plan for whatever event you are attending, think of it as a “pre-call plan” for networking. Choose to not focus on all the “don’ts” when it comes to networking and instead “do” it with a purpose and a strategy. Here are some important tips to network more effectively: 

Looking for a Magic Formula? Sandler will give it to you!

I’ve talked to thousands of business owners, salespeople, Presidents of companies, and leaders in the business world during my time with Sandler. There’s not a week that goes by that a person contacts me looking for a “magic bullet” or “secret formula” that will take their business to the next level.

Let’s get this out of the way, upfront. There is no magic formula for success. You can stop reading now...

I’m teasing-don’t stop reading just yet. I don’t believe in a magic formula. You should, however, have a process. If you currently have a process for success that is working for you, by all means, keep doing it!

If you don’t or feel like your current process isn’t getting you the results you want, first of all, stop it immediately. Next, I may have a solution for you. It’s the ten components of the “Sandler Formula for Success”. I’ve listed the Formula below:

I was talking with a friend about his business. He was telling me about how some of his clients, who he had had for a few years, were leaving him. He was taking it hard. I asked him why they left. He said, “One, because our price was too high, and the other didn’t tell me.” I asked if he believed them and he responded with, “Why not?” I was curious about what he had done for them recently, so I asked him. He said, “What do you mean? I kept the companies’ computers going daily. What more did they need from me?”

I hear this phrase from clients, prospects, and friends alike, “I just don’t have enough time!” It ranges from reading more-to working out-to prospecting-to saying difficult things-to spending more time with family…we all wish we had more time.

Why is it that some people pack a day’s worth of activity into 2-3 hours and others spend weeks just “getting ready to get ready.” What stops them from taking the next step, while others are sprinting away from them. My belief is that it’s all about our priorities.

The phrase, “I just don’t have time,” is the adult version of, “The dog ate my homework.” It’s an excuse and we are full of them. I can guarantee every one of us has come up with one reason or another as to why we aren’t where we want to be or haven’t completed a task that has been on our to-do list for months. One reason could be because of having a to-do list that will be discussed in a different discussion.