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Gerry Weinberg & Associates, Inc. | Southfield, Michigan

Why do we feel there aren’t enough hours in the day?

We’re constantly rushing from place to place, eating on the run, not getting enough sleep, missing our kid’s soccer games and dance recitals.

What happened to our plans…and our goals? We seem to be working harder than ever!

Studies have shown that most salespeople spend less than 10% of their available time selling. What gets in the way? Why do we have so little time?

Let’s take a look at some of the issues!

-Trying to do too much

-Entrepreneurs frequently begin as one person businesses. We’re used to doing everything ourselves. We must learn to be effective delegators. Jim Collins, in his bestselling book, “Good to Great”, offers the “Hedgehog Concept”. It has helped me tremendously. Dan Sullivan, founder of The Strategic Coach, taught me to discover my “Unique Ability”.

-Find the three things that :

-you are passionate about doing

-you are excellent at

 -you drive profitable revenue from and…DELEGATE ALL ELSE!


-We are inundated with emails. We think we’re good at multi-tasking. Are we really? Many people are actually addicted to the sound of an incoming email, and feel compelled to stop what they’re doing and look at it, and respond. What is it costing you in productivity to immediately look at an email?

-Time management gurus suggest we only look three times a day.

-Other time management issues that you may have include:-

-Lack of self-discipline

-Lack of priorities



-Lack of Planning

-Can’t say “NO”



-Poorly trained staff

-Inadequate resources

-Doing paperwork during pay time

-**Spending too much time doing quotes, estimates or proposals for people you will never do business with

-***Too much time following up

What I recommend, is keeping a log/journal for one week of your daily activity in 15 minute increments. This will allow you to see how you’re utilizing your time. Click here to download a sample worksheet.

Once you’ve done this, and you’ve figured which issues have the biggest effect on you and your business, ask yourself:

-How long has this issue been going on?

-What have you done to change this issue?

-And did that work?

-Over the last 12 months alone, in round numbers, how many $’s has this issue cost you?

-How important is it to fix?

-What happens if you don’t take action?

-Who else knows about it?

-How do you feel about that?

Only when we really know what it’s costing us to live with these issues, will we change. If you’re struggling trying to figure out which ones affect you the most and how to fix them, give us a call. We’d love to help.

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