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Gerry Weinberg & Associates, Inc. | Southfield, Michigan

To answer this question we looked at 11 factors that historically support shorter sales cycles. Shorter sales cycles are generally not impacted by delayed closings or business lost to competitors.

  • Make Decisions – If you make buying decisions without having to think it over you will find a way to get your prospects to make decisions too.
  • Consultative Seller – If you can sell consultatively you can uncover the compelling reason to buy, a motivator that creates urgency and shortens the sales cycle.
  • Qualifier – If you qualify thoroughly there will be fewer opportunities for premature demos, quotes, proposals, and presentations that lead to delayed closings and lost business.
  • Won’t Accept Put-Offs – The ability to ask questions after being put off can lead to getting business closed at the first closing opportunity.
  • Doesn’t Need to be Liked. If you don’t need to be liked you will accept fewer put-offs because you won’t be worried about asking the next question, pushing back, or challenging the prospect.
  • Control Emotions – If you do not panic in the heat of battle or become too excited when you hear what you want to hear, you can control the sales process more effectively.
  • Able to Discuss Money – When you are able to discuss finances you are more likely to uncover the actual budget and confirm the prospect’s ability to spend it. That tends to prevent most of the delays blamed on money.
  • Rejection Proof – When you are not affected by rejection you are less likely to avoid asking questions that could result in a “no”.
  • Healthy Skepticism – When you have a healthy skepticism, you can avoid happy ears, not mistake put-offs for promises, and have much better sense for what is reality.
  • Supportive Beliefs – When you have beliefs that support ideal sales outcomes you can be more successful.
  • Effective Sales Process – When the sales process lends itself to repeatable and desirable results, sales cycles tend to be much shorter while conversion ratios tend to be much higher.

If you tend to have a hard time with one or all the above factors it is time to give us a call. Let us help clean up your sales cycle length while adding 30% more growth to your sales by the end of the year. Call us today to get started with your new shortened sales cycle.

This article was created based on results given through Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis of an actual client.

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